
   my $inline;

   my @usedline = {};


sub getme

# getme returns the appropriate line from the intermediate file (opened as

# INFILE) based on the field name requested in fld_name. It returns the

# whole line. If it CAN NOT find the field specified it returns a NULL string.




  local($needline) = @_; 

  local($openagain) = 0;

  local($retval) = "";




    while ($line = <INFILE>)



       if (!$usedline[$inline])


         if ($line =~ /$needline/)


           $retval = $line;

           $usedline[$inline] = 1;




    } # end of <INFILE> reached.


    # the next section either returns the found line, or if none is found

    # resets the file pointer and sweeps the file another time, but ONLY           

    # once. If nothing is found, it returns an empty (NULL) $retval.


    if ($retval)


      return $retval;

      # $retval is not null here.

    } else {

      if ($openagain)


        return $retval;

        # $retval is null here.

      } else {

        $openagain = 1;

        $inline = 0;

        seek(INFILE, 0, 0);

        redo RECKBLK;



  } # end of RECKBLK


